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Healthy animals produce more and cost less

Keeping dairy cattle, pigs, horses and goats with an eye to animal welfare

Less emission per kilo of meat or litre of milk

Closing the mineral cycles at farm level

Contact us

Healthy animals produce more and cost less

Keeping dairy cattle, pigs, horses and goats with an eye to animal welfare

Less emission per kilo of meat or litre of milk

Closing the mineral cycles at farm level

filterfloor voor minder emmissie en vruchtbare bodem

Contact us:

We will contact you within 24 hours.

Contact details

Filterfloor solutions
Lemsterpad 54 A1
8531 AA  Lemmer
The Netherlands

+31 612298548



Filterfloor is a revolutionary barn floor system that separates urine and faeces at the source.

The Filterfoor prevents slurry formation, so that minerals and organic matter remain more available and emissions are greatly reduced.

copyright 2023 Filterfloor